Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, I've been adding colour stuff to the app for the last few days.

I've done colour matching so you can load in an image and match it to a chosen palette (a8,c64 etc). The image you load can be any bit depth because it's matching an existing palette. So if for example you load a 24bpp image and match it to an A8 palette, you'll end up with an image with max 256 colours, all A8 ones. It's kind of up to the artist to make sure they don't use too many but there will be some colour reduction added soon.

I've also added APAC conversion which works from the colour matching, gets the A8 palette "index" number which equates to the colour/lum (4 bits of each) which it then splits onto 2 lines, gets the next pixel (I don't do any averaging across pixels atm, just fixed offset samples) does the same stuff and packs it with the previous one into a byte.

I also recently added image to char conversion + optimisation (same char removal/remapping) ready for all the level/tile editor/software sprite grabbing etc.


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