Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lazy weekend


Moving the code to the main loop today instead of all running off the IRQ. Not sure why it doesn’t work like that anyway...

Ok, that’s done. I also need to change the IRQ stuff to bypass the Kernal. It’s not doing anything I need and anything I might need later I’ve got code lying around for (keyboard entry etc) and not calling he kernal will save CPU (still nowhere near running out, but...)

That’s done too now.

Made sure it runs on NTSC. It’ll actually play closer to the arcade on NTSC because the movement is based on the framerate, which sounds obvious because that’s the same with everything but it looks even more so with Invaders because it only updates the 1 ship per frame (so you get the Mexican wave effect). It just “feels” more arcadey on NTSC with it being 60fps.

Started to think about sound effects. I can see I’m going to have to write an effects player. I started one for another project (Taipan) but stopped working on it when I thought someone else was going to do the fx for me, then they didn’t :/ I’d contemplated samples, it’s not like there’s no RAM free (whole game atm is around 3k)

Wow, lazy day today :) Catching up on TV (whole load of good stuff to watch), cooking, eating, cleaning, wasting time investigating other arcade games to see what I might do next (pretty sure I’ve decided, shhh, secret)..

Some behind the scenes coding done to help the collision detection decide what it’s hit and some code added to make sure things happen like the arcade, eg the shots between motherships stuff. Every new attack wave, if you hit the 1st mother ship with your 23rd shot you get max points, after that it’s every 15 shots till the end of that wave..

Also worked out which graphic it is your shots cut out of the shields. The enemy shots, I’m not sure about, I can see generally what it looks like but can’t find that graphic in the roms..


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